Wednesday, August 22, 2012

That One Relationship


  It's that relationship that's awesome and amazing and great in the good times and then in the bad times things absolutely self destruct and instantaneously they turn on you and take out all their stress on you. The worst part from, at least in my world, is that since they're your friends they know exactly how to tear you down.
  I honestly wish I could give my no-existent readership some advice on the subject, but honestly there is no advice to give. These people will just continue to tear you down and then pretend it's not their fault. I guess you could pull away from them that's always an interesting option but the very sad an lonely truth is that "that one relationship" is not singular. "That one relationship" will happen far more often then any lasting or healthy connection especially in today's shallow society. 
  The best strategy is just to duck and remember its just them lashing out due to their own problems, this doesn't mean that every time that person freaks it isn't your fault, if you did something own up.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hey society, why?


  So a friend of mine just got into a really bad accident, he was in the Intensive Care Unit, had a pretty bad skull fracture, and was in INCREDIBLY bad shape. I'm not saying this to whine there's a point to this particular pity party. I posted Facebook statuses about his condition, keep in mind he's a local kid and most of my friends know him, they would get a few likes, maybe a comment or two, but no extensive amount of care was shown. 
  On one of the last days my friend was in the hospital I posted a status that included the weight I had lost due to stress, that status got 5 likes and got 5 comments besides my own, mostly because the girl had no idea anything had happened. 
  Today, since my friend is home, I posted a status about how annoyed I was about TOMS and BOBS shoes. That status got no less then 3 likes and 6 comments from several people in the first hour. 
  What is going on?!?! People jump on the bandwagon for something as superficial as brands of shoes, but don't show their support for a local kid, a friend who was hurt?  
  It makes me absolutely sick to think that everyone is more concerned about the brand of shoes and their respective knockoffs then they are with a guy who has never said a mean word to anyone and was fighting for his life at one point. Why can't we take a moment to care a little more, I just spent almost a week sitting in waiting rooms, watching bad TV, and helping out his family in anyway I could and this guy and I aren't dating! I just wanted to support someone I care for and to help out a family that's been nothing but kind to me, why doesn't anyone else care that way these days?